The Conference

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

The middle aged man named Victor, the social worker therapist from Brownsville, TX, told me about his wife after she stepped out of the break room.  His wife is a retired LVN nurse.  She is the one who had the idea for the Sparps Box.  (See post called "Sharps Box).

She had been a nurse for years and her specialty was giving immunizations.  One of the immunizations she would give is for Hepatitis B.  A doctor was very impressed by her work and professionalism.  He reported her to a medical conference director in St. Louis, MO.

Weeks later she received a letter in the mail addressed to her as a "doctor."   They wanted her to give a lecture on Hepatitis B.  She immediately called them and told them that she isn't a doctor but instead only an LVN nurse.  Regardless, they still wanted her to speak!

She traveled to St. Louis and gave a great lecture.  She was asked at the lecture who should get immunized for Hepatitis B.  Her response was everyone should because it can spread so easily!  Before her speech only six states immunized for Hepatitis B, afterwards twenty-seven did!  Now forty-three do!

That shows us what one LVN nurse can do, and change our society for the better!  You don't have to be the best educated or the well financed to make a difference.  You just need to have some good ideas!

Have you mad a difference in your society or neighborhood?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

Brother Roop


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