The Borden Boys

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

In another story told by the gentleman, Charles, and her mother, Wilhelmina, whom was the patent, in the post, "The sickness that saved him."  They are a proud family of Czech ancestry.  They lived in Houston, TX, in the Neighborhood of Denver Harbor.  And on the weekends they drove to Shiner, TX, to work on the family farm, with their other family members.

After his father's army service was over in nineteen-fifty-four, they moved to Houston and his father went to work at the old Borden dairy.  He worked at the dairy until it closed and his retirement.  His son, Charles,our storyteller worked with his father at the Borden plant for three years.

Charles worked with his father starting at fifteen until he was eighteen and when he went to college.  He stayed in town for college.  He studied Chemical Engineering at Rice University.  Back in the sixties they were not strict on work age!

Charles told me about how he worked in the lab and worked in the operations area with his father.  One of his jobs was to wash out the plates that were used to pasteurize the milk.  In fact, he said that Borden used their families buttermilk recipe until the closed the old plant.  The new plant in Conroe, TX, used a different recipe that was not near a good, but cheaper to make.  Needless to say the new buttermilk was not as good and their sales bombed!

Charles did mention something about the plants explosion in December twelfth of Nineteen-eighty-three.  They had an ammonia leak on a Sunday that caused the explosion.  He and his father were not there at the time!  But he did mention that all of the equipment was from the forties.  They didn't change because it all worked!  When they built the new plant they had nothing but problems!

They old plant was on the corner of Pierce and Louisiana by downtown Houston.  They have built a nine bay firehouse on the property now.  Time moves on.  But they were Borden men to the end and very hard working men!

Does anyone else know of someone who works at a dairy?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

Brother Roop


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