The Dime

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

Victor, the social worker therapist I spoke with told me an interesting story about a hypochondriac he once knew.

Ms. Turner came in and complained about a headache before here therapy session.  So he took a dime out of his pocket and rubbed it in his hands and gave it to her.

She asked him, "what is this?"  He said that it was a dime and he was buying her headache!  She responded, "o, okay, whatever.". Victor told her to keep it in her hand and put it on her forehead and say that this is Victor's headache and to go to him, because he has bought it.

By the end of the therapy session she came up to him and told him that her headache had gone away!  He told her to keep the dime and that every time that she gets a headache to rub the time in hand and put it on her forehead and say that this headache belongs to Victor because he has bought it.

Weeks later he had seen her again.  Mrs. Turner was extremely wealthy and each session she would arrive with her driver in a different car, her husband had a large car collection!  She said that she put the dime in her penny loafer shoe and kept it on her for her next headache!  It was a simple mind over matter trick, but whatever works, says Victor.

Do you know of any mind over matter tricks?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

Brother Roop


  1. Yes, you can recite to your body anything you want it to do and your body will respond. This works better if your words are backed up by healing scriptures but it will work on it's own. We must be careful what we say at ALL times. example: My cancer is in remission should be stated, my cancer is gone and Jesus HEALED me. example: I am a cancer survivor should be: I am a cancer conqueror. We do not survive stuff, we conqueror it. The devil is no match for Jesus.

    1. Thank you for your wonderful comments! You are correct, Jesus has conquered sin and the grave! Words can be a blessing or a curse. God bless you!


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