The Old Home Farm

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

Still another story told me by the son, Charles, and his mother, Wilhelmina.  They are the family in the post "His sickness saved him.". The family of Czech ancestry from Shiner, TX.

Image result for the old home place

He told me lovingly of his memories of the old home family farm.  They lived in Houston during the week and went to the farm on the weekends.  His mother was raised on that farm and his deceased father was from a farm nearby.

Charles said that his mother would cook wonderful meals from the natural foods from the farm.  The had a large garden and all kinds of animals.  She canned food from the garden and cooked fat and bones to make soap and lard for cooking.  They would even chew on the cooked bones like candy.

His father would butcher animals himself on the farm.  At least two hogs a year and some cows.  Plenty to last all year.

Charles had uncle's and aunt's and lots of cousins on the same farm, but in different houses.  The rest of the family lived on the farm all year.  Everyone knew what work needs to be done and they all did it without being asked or told.

Charles was very happy and proud of his upbringing.  During the week they lived in Houston at the Bordon dairy, and worked on the farm during the weekend. 

They worked all of the time and we're happy to do it!  That's what I call a strong work ethic!  He said that his mother never wanted to go on vacation anywhere, she was always happy to go to the farm.

Do you know anyone who was raised on a farm?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

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Image of  for Sale near Hallettsville, Texas, in Lavaca County: 167.29 acres

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