Hospice Pain

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

In a continuous follow-up of the story of "The sickness that saved him.".  The story of a family of proud Czech ancestry, from the Shiner, Texas area.

The older lady who was the patient, Wilhelmina, did not want to say too much due to the pain of the cancer that is wrapped around her spine like a boa-constrictor squeezing the life out of her.  The dutifully son, Charles, who did all of the talking just asked the nurse for some pain medication.

The nurse quickly came with a tube of oral pain medication.  The patient took the medication and said that it tasted nasty!  The nurse gave her some fruit juice to drink and wash it down!

Most of the pain medication in hospice care is very strong!  It has to be because the pain caused by cancer and other conditions can be very intense!

The main mission of hospice care is to make the patient comfortable in very uncomfortable medical condition.  Different drugs are sometimes used together in order to be able to make the pain subside.

The hospice nurses and doctors are very skilled at arriving at this careful balance.  They do this in a very loving and caring manner.  Pain relief is one thing but doing it with love and prayers is what the hospice team is about!

We live in a undignified world.  It's nice to provide end-of-life care in an atmosphere of dignity.  When we can, we can show them the love of God in their difficult circumstances!

Do you know anyone in pain?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

Brother Roop


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