Beer Party!

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I'm spending this weekend with my wife, and I still have a cough due to chest congestion, so I did not volunteer at the hospice today.  So, I'll tell you of a visit some years ago that I remember.

I was visiting with many patients and family member that afternoon as the hospice was very busy.  I came out of a room and started to talk with the nurses at the nurses station.  I had just made them some coffee and cleaned up a bit.

I then observed a large Hispanic family coming down the hallway caring bags and pulling a large cooler!  I asked the nurse as to what was going on with that family.  She said with a smile that the patient is having a birthday party, because it is his birthday today.

For his birthday the patient wanted a beer party with his friends and family!  Drinking beer or other bad habits for hospice patients is now a comfort and not a bad habit!  If drinking beer will give this man comfort in his last days, then it okay with hospice.  Hospice care is all about comfort.

I did not go into the room because it was a private party and the room was full.  But from several feet away it sounded like they were having a great time together!  This was the patients last birthday and they sounded like they were going to make it memorable for the whole family!

Have you been to a family beer party lately?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

Brother Roop


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