Last Visit With Nick?

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I was at the downstairs nurses station when the nurses said that when the baby wacks up I could rock her.  I asked, "Do we have a baby here?"  They said, "Yes, she is right here."  She was only two feet from me in a baby holder on the desk!  I said, "I'm glad it wasn't a rattlesnake!"  She is a beautiful nineteen day old baby.  She was sleeping and was very cute!

But they said that they were working on finding a new place for Nick, our homeless patient, that has been here since February!  And I should get one last farewell visit.  So I agreed and told them that I will be back to rock that baby!

I went upstairs to see Nick.  He was awake and watching TV.  I came in and he was happy to see me.  I sat down on the chair next to him and asked how he was doing.  He mentioned that his legs were a little bit better and he thought that he could get into a wheel chair.  He said if he could get into a wheel chair he would get out of here and back on the streets!  He said that none of the nurses would be able to stop him!

Nick mentioned that he had heard from a nurses that they were looking for benefits for him to find a new place for him to go and move him out.  Rumors are hard to control!

I gently reminded him that he has a free TV to watch, all of the ice cream he can eat, free three meals a day and a nice room to sleep in, where he is safe.  I didn't ask him if he really wanted to go back to shooting up cocaine, but I felt that was the real reason.

But we had a nice time watching TV together.  We watched a show about upcoming movies!  Nick had an opinion about all of them!  We watched that for about an hour.  And I told him that I needed to finish my rounds.   I think I will miss Nick when he is gone, he has been a character here for the last six months!

Do you have a unique person in your life?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

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Brother Roop


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