Guns Drawn!

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

After my farewell visit with Nick, I went back downstairs to rock our baby here on respite care.  The nurse took the baby and we went to babies room down the hall.  The room has the crib and the rocker.  Walking in I noticed all of the babies clothes on the unused bed.

I sat down, and the nurses gave me a pillow for my arm and a bottle to feed her if she wakes up.   She was sleeping so I put the tiny bottle on a stool next to the chair.  I rock her for about an hour and a half until another volunteer comes in to take over.

That volunteer always comes in at eleven in the morning ever Saturday.  We make a gentle exchange of the baby.  Remember, she is only a nineteen day old baby!  We then start to woo and aww over the baby.

She then asked me if I had heard about the police action that happened a few days ago on the second floor.  I told her that I didn't, and she told me the story.

On the second floor a young man was in a family member room and didn't want any other family member coming into the room.  Family members were coming down the hallway and he didn't want them in the room and even around!

This man started yelling and screaming at everyone and even ripping off his shirt in the process!  When he was confronted by the hospice staff he started yelling that he has guns in his car and he would go and get them if his other family member were allowed into the room.

When that threat was made the staff called the police!  They arrived in the building with their guns drawn and ready for the worst!  The man had no guns on him and there was no shoot out.  They arrested the man and took him to jail!  The other family members went into the room after all of the commotion settled down.

In end-of-life care, emotions are always frayed and tensions can sprout up.  But I have never heard of this happening!  I didn't find out what the problem was, but I'm sure that it was not worth it!

Have you seen a police action lately?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

Brother Roop


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