Training New Volunteers

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

Yesterday I was informed that a new volunteer wanted to train with me.  Everyone has their own routine and it makes for a good transition to tag along with someone else who has more experience. It's always nice to hang out with someone else while I'm visiting patients and family members.

They always give us plenty of notice before we have a trainee so we can meet up at the same time and place and that we don't have  other schedule conflicts.  Like for the job!  Hopefully I'll have next Saturday off from work.

Every trainee receives thirty hours of training over a four Saturday stretch.  Then they go with an experienced volunteer for their first few times.  Sometimes I had two or three newbies at one time, if we have a lot of newbies at one time.

That's okay because it is always fun to meet new people and especially new hospice volunteers!  Some new volunteers are medical students and they are just getting some volunteer hours on their resume.  That's okay because we can expose a future doctor to the hospice industry.  Most of the other ones will only volunteer a few times and they will quit because it is just not for them.  That's okay because you don't know until you  try.  The few that stay long term, they are the refined gold.

Have you gone through some training?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

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Brother Roop
October 19, 2011


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