Volunteer Injured!

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

It was a beautiful day out today.  I came in a bit before noon since I had to work this Saturday morning.  It was starting to warm up so I parked underneath one of the many shade tree's.  The hospice has a small forest of trimmed trees.

I walked up to the entrance of the hospice, throwing away my trash from my lunch, which I ate driving there.  As my custom I talked with Al, the security guard.

He was exited and asked if I had heard about Connie, one of our volunteers. Connie is an elderly whit lady who comes in very early on Saturday mornings, she is very nice lady!   I said that I didn't and I had just arrived.  I usually come in earlier in the morning.

Al said that Connie had fallen just outside of the entrance and was hurt bigly!  Her knees were skinned up, her left side of her face was bruised up and may need a stitch or two.  Her clothes were all messed up and muddy.  I asked Al how many times she fell since that sounded like a lot of injuries for just one fall!

One of the lead nurses fixed her up but told her to go to the emergency room to check for any broken bones and maybe get a stitch or two,  It was sad news since she is a wonderful lady.

I went upstairs and found out that at the same time of Connie's fall, a family member fainted on a sofa in a patient's room!  She was okay, but kinda crazy that it happened at the same time and separate from Connie's fall!

Have you ever had a fall?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

Brother Roop


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