High Profile Mercy

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

This is a story from several years ago.  I was volunteering on Saturday evenings, did my same routine of checking the patient board, replenishing the downstairs break room.  Made some fresh coffee and cleaned up a bit.

After checking in with the downstairs nurses station, I went upstairs, around the corner and just in the middle of the hallway on the right side, an elderly man in a gray sweater was sitting on the hallway bench.  He was an average looking man with graying hair and an average look.

Usually when a family member are sitting on the hallway bench  it's because they are giving the patient a sponge bath of changing diapers or something.  Something that requires privacy.

But this time it was different!  This kindly looking man was crying!  So, after saying a soft prayer for guidance to myself, I walk over there.  I sat next to him and put my arm around his shoulder.  I let him know that I was a hospice volunteer and then sat next to him in silence.

After awhile he lifted up his head and said that his wife was a cancer patient and he became overcome with grief and had to leave the room.  I said to him that he must love her a great deal.  His grief started to lift from him as he told me about his wife and their life together.  He was now smiling really big now, but still had tears in his eye's.

After about thirty minutes of chatting I told him about me and I asked what he did for a living.  He said that he was President and CEO of one of the major teaching hospital's here in town. It's a hospital dozens of stories high and employs hundreds of people. For privacy reasons I cannot share his name or the name of the hospital.  But I was amazed of his high profile position.  But this hospice attracts every sort of folks, from the homeless to the wealthy.

Anyway, he was a very nice man and we had a wonderful talk together that really made a big difference at this moment in his life.  He was now ready to go back to his wife's side.  My job was done and I was happy the Lord gave me His guidance.

Have you ever meet an important person in need?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

Brother Roop


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