Visiting The Nurses

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

After visiting with both volunteer coordinators, Patty and Tina, I did a tour of the nurses stations. I want to walk around and refamiliarize myself after a two year absence. All volunteers have been suspended for the last two years due to Coved-19 restrictions.

I went to the second floor, since the first floor is closed due to staffing shortages. I walked up and saw the nurses at the station. One nurse I knew, her name is Necey. She's a short, very cute, African American lady who's been with the hospice many, many years.

But the other nurses were new and I did not recognize them. I chatted for a few minutes, then went up to the third floor. There I saw Karen, the Charge Nurse. And I had a very good talk with her.

She even want to assign me a patient to visit! But I knew my wife would be almost done at her VA appointment, just around the corner. After dropping her off there, I came here to visit. And I'm glad I did!

It was great to walk around and see the place, and see the different changes. It was great to revisit with some of the nurses I knew from prior to the two year . And it's going to be nice to introduce myself to the new nurses. Times change, and the world keeps moving forward. We always have to roll with the changes!

Have you ever needed to reintroduce yourself to people?  If you have, can you tell us about it in the comments section?  If you enjoyed this story, and want to catch all of the future ones, click on the "follow" button at the top of the blog.

William James Roop

 Roop-Crappell Ministries 

 The Bible and Life 

 The Trucking Tango 

 Apostolic Theological Seminary 


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