The Priest is here

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

My wife had errands to run today, so I came in a little early. I came in about half past seven in the morning.  It was raining very hard coming in to hospice.  I had to drive much slower, lots of standing water on the roadway!  But with the Lord's Blessing I made it safe and sound.  The parking lot was a bit empty, I seem to had beat most of the people in getting there.

I visited with several patients and family members.  I had one older lady thank me for being a hospice volunteer.  That is always nice to hear, and I get that complement from time to time.

Just after I arrived at the hospice an elderly Hispanic man had passed away!  One of the nurses who know that I'm a Christian man waved at me in the hallway.  She asked if I could pray for the wife.  I went into the room.  The man was in bed dead and the wife was on the phone. She could not speak any English and I could not speak any Spanish, so I left so that she could continue to make her arrangements.  I was going to check in with her later.  As my time there was finishing, I walked past a Hispanic Catholic Priest going to the elevator, so I knew this lady would receive the prayers and the comfort that she needed.  God bless them.

  I spoke with a middle aged lady in the third floor family room while I was making coffee.  She was waiting for the coffee to finish.  But she was not very talkative and kinda reserved.  That's alright, some folks don't like to talk in that kind of environment.

As I left the hospice, the sky was clearing, but it was still wet.  The parking lot was now filling up with the cars of family members.  I had a feeling of great blessing and renewal today!

Anyone else have a flood story?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

Brother Roop


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