The Prayer

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I started this quiet Saturday evening with a very nice elderly lady who is to be discharged on Monday.  She has family in Austin, Texas, and will be with her family who will take care of her for the few months that she has to live.  We visited for about thirty minutes until she received a phone call, I quickly excused myself.

I went to another room and seen a group of African-American folks inside.  The patient and a daughter and eight members of their church prayer group were in the room!  We had a wonderful time talking about the Bible, and God’s Will and Ways, and the power of the Holy Spirit. 

We visited for about an hour, and had great Christian fellowship.  It is always a joy to fellowship with fellow Christians.  Only fellow Christians can understand to ways of the Holy Spirit and how the Lord works through people and His Word.

Well, at the end of our meeting, when I had to leave for the evening, they asked me to lead them in prayer!  We all held hands together around the patient, whom was in bed.  I gave a good prayer for strength and direction.  Everyone was overjoyed with the prayer, probably because I was new to the group.

After my prayer was completed, the whole group broke out into a Holy Spirit worship!  When I was leaving out of the room, the leader of the prayer group called me their angel!  I could feel the Presence of the Lord in a very strong way!  They were a great prayer group!  We had a wonderful move of God that evening!

Having your family with you in your last days is a blessing.  Having your church family with you, and praying with you, and worshiping with you is an even greater blessing!  

Have you experienced a great move of God?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

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Brother Roop
Nov 5, 2011

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Apostolic Theological Seminary


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