Pushing Death Away

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I was training a new driver today and we were talking about ghosts sightings. His name is Alfredo Alegria.  He had asked me if I ever seen a ghost. I told him I'd have been a hospice volunteer for twelve years, and have seen one, and been with others who have seen them.

He told me several ghost stories that he was told about by his family. One was his Uncle who was dying of cancer. This took a place years ago while they were still in Mexico City.

His Uncle was sick with cancer and was bedridden for many months while he was struggling with the disease. One day he and his Aunt we're walking into the room, and they saw his uncle pawing in the air with both his hands! Kind of like a cat pawing!

His wife asked him what he was doing pawing in the air like that. He said there's a young woman here to take me away to death! And I am not ready to go! His wife asked him who was the young woman. He said he did not know who she was, but she was trying to grab his arm to take him to death.

As she reached for his arm he would try to push her away. But because she did not exist in the physical world, it looked like he was just pawing in the air!  Alfredo said his uncle died a week later!

Our discussion event turned to people not dying alone, and actually having some type of spiritual guide, that takes you away into the next life. I told him as a hospice volunteer, many of my patients would have spiritual people come and visit with them before their death.

If you have heard a similar story, and would like to tell us about it, please share in the comment section.

William James Roop

 Roop-Crappell Ministries 

 The Bible and Life 

 The Trucking Tango 

 Apostolic Theological Seminary 


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