Hey Paco

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I was training a new driver yesterday when he was telling me some ghost stories, that he had heard about, and experienced. His name was Alfredo Alegria. Alegria is Spanish word for "happy." True to his name, he was always happy.

One story he shared to me was about his cousin Paco. This is back when they were still living in Mexico City. Paco was in the upstairs of his home. He was going downstairs, and just as he got to the stairway, he heard his name being called. He heard someone say, "Hey Paco." So Paco turned around to look and see who called him.

Paco was upstairs for awhile, and he knew no one was there with him. Paco looked around anyway and found no one!  Still feeling a little weird, he started towards the stairway again to go downstairs. That's when he heard it again, a voice said, "Hey Paco." 

Paco now got very scared! He was so terrified he was frozen for a moment!  When is senses return to him he ran down the stairway. When he got down the stairway he went and ran out of the front door and didn't return for a few days! To this day Paco still has no idea who called out to him two times that day!

If you have had experience with a ghost, or have a ghost story, and would like to tell us, please feel free to tell us all about it in the comments section of this post.

William James Roop

 Roop-Crappell Ministries 

The Bible and Life

The Trucking Tango

Apostolic Theological Seminary


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