My Father Is Back!

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I had a new trainee today. He is a short little Hispanic man. His name is Alfredo Alegria. Alegria is the Spanish word for "happy." Then he was true to his name. He was happy all the time!

But after asking if I believed in ghosts, and telling that him I did, He told me his ghost story. His father had passed away about a month before, Alfredo was home for the funeral. That's when his father appeared to him!

Alfredo said he was standing over the commode urinating, when he noticed something at the corner of his eyes! He looked to the left and saw his father standing there. His father was just standing there and looking at him!  He was shocked and afraid, because his father's been dead for a month!

He finished his business and then walked away for a few minutes to collect his thoughts. A short time later, he walked back in the bathroom and his father was still there! His father didn't say anything He just stood there and looked at him!

Alfredo was scared and didn't know what to think about the situation. So he decided to leave the house. It was a very beautiful and large house in Mexico City. His father was middle class and was very proud of the home that he owned.

We discussed afterwards, that perhaps his father's spirit was stuck in the house, because his emotions were so attached to it. His father owned two shoe stores and a bakery, and was very proud of his success. Whether or not that is true or not is unknown. But it does kind of make a little sense.

If you have a opinions or comments about ghosts and why they hang around, please put them down in the comment section. If you have a good story why don't you tell us about it.

William James Roop


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