The Supper Ghost

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

This is a very short ghost story written by Mrs. Mary P. Perkins.  It was taking from the book called, "The Azusa Street Papers" by William J. Seymour, about one-hundred twenty years ago.

One evening I went to the restaurant for supper, And I sat there and had commenced my meal, when someone touched me on my shoulder.  I looked around, but did not see anyone, so I turned around and commence eating again.  Then something said, "you have not given thanks for your food or ask Him to bless it." 

 I then knew that this was a spiritual visitation and immediately gave thanks for my meal and the many blessings in my life.  The voice that I heard was a soft, kin, reassuring voice, which did not make me afraid, but comforted me. 

Brother Roop


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