All Volunteers Suspended!

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I received the email on March 17th notify met that all volunteering would be suspended at our hospice until further notice!  It's precautions taken for the Chinese Coronavirus, or Covid-19 as it's called.

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They also said only two family members per room at one time. I was informed of that by a nurse's aid, who text me saying she missed me being there. She's a real nice lady and we've all we've been friends for a long time.

Hopefully this Chinese Corona virus threat will go away pretty soon.  But it was time to take a little break anyway and to do other things.  So when I do return in volunteering my batteries will be charged up and ready to go!

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Today is Friday and I'm thinking will my due tomorrow morning I guess I could catch up with my Hebrew homework. I can't ride my mountain bike because it is been raining all day!  But whatever I do my mind and my heart will be at the hospice that I volunteer!

Do you have a place where you volunteer your time?  Can you tell me about it in the comment section?

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Maybe it's time for a cold beer!


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