Only Three Pounds

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I came to the hospice on a beautiful autumn morning.  A cool front just passed through and it was blue sky's and cool breathable air.  They were repainting the parking lot striping and so I had to park in the back corner, opposite of where I usually park.  As I was walking in the front doors, a valet parking crew pulls up and starts to set up.  I discovered that a memorial service was going to take place in the chapel.

The hospice has a beautiful non-denominational chapel. I walked to the chapel and asked the couple, as the organized communion wafers on the table, if they needed any assistance.  They were very sure that they didn't need any help.  That's okay, some families want privacy in those situations. They were going to have a service in the chapel and then have refreshments in the family room.  So, I went to the break room and made some coffee and started my mint run.

  Here lately I have been passing out mints to break the ice with folks.  It has been working pretty good, everyone likes a mint now and then!  After visiting several rooms of patients and family members, I came to a room without a bed, and had a crib in its place.

  A young woman was sitting on the couch holding a baby and a young man was standing off to the right side of the room.  I leaned over and raved about how beautiful the baby was nestled in the blanket. The young mother seemed pleased at my kind remarks and said that her baby was only a week old and only three pounds.  The baby was so little!  The patient chart downstairs in the volunteer office stated that the premature baby had a brain disease.  A very sad situation. The young couple was very nice folks and I felt very bad for them. My sixth sense told me not to stay.  I told them that I was a volunteer and said that if they needed anything that I was available.

 The saddest part of my job is to walk into a room like that one.  A least the babies fate would be a quick one, unlike the baby from the last two weeks where the babies fate was a lifelong burden!  I walked away feeling how blessed I really am in life.  Sometimes we don't even think about the many blessings that the Lord has blessed us with in this life.

Has God blessed your life?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

Brother Roop


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