The Untouchable Baby

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

When I came in this Saturday morning to volunteer, I was told that we had a baby.  The nurses told me that because of the baby’s disease, no one could touch him!   I went straight there to see about things.  If anything, I could say some nice soothing words to him.  I think that it’s the babies that need the love the most!

I walked into the room and seen the baby in his crib.  Sitting next to him was an elderly lady.  She was one of our volunteers.  Our volunteers have been taking turns staying with the baby, so that he would not be alone.

I was happy to see another volunteer.  She was not ready to leave so I sat next to them.  She told me that the mother of this baby has Downs Syndrome and lives in the States custody in a State house. 
For people who have a mental illness of condition, the State have homes around the state, and are staffed by health care workers.  It was one of these workers that raped the mother, who had Downs Syndrome!

The rapist is now in prison and the mother is not competent to be here!  The hospice volunteers decided to fill the gap!  We scheduled ourselves so that this baby would not be alone!  Because of the baby’s condition, he would not live long, hours to days maybe!

The other volunteer and I sat and visited for a little more than two hours.  We talked about her life and her spiritual issues.  In between we would talk to the baby.  The situation for the baby dire, but we created a beautiful environment for the few hours he had left.

The next day this beautiful baby boy passed away!  He returned to the loving God who blessed us with him for a time!  Someday, when it is my time to pass away, maybe I could see this baby again.  God has a plan for all of our lives, sometimes that plan is terribly brief.  

Have you heard of a similar sad story?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

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Brother Roop

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