A Morning to Walk in the Garden

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I went in to volunteer this beautiful Saturday afternoon.  It was very slow here today.  That means that there is no one to visit with.  The patient census is low, and the few visitors we have are in closed doors.  If the rooms door is closed, I do not go in, my thinking is that they want some privacy.

            So, I decided to take a stroll through the garden.  Our hospice has a large, beautiful and well-maintained garden.  The front of our hospice is nicely landscaped and the garden is in the back of the hospice, it is walled off for the security of our patients.

            It’s a great place for patients and family members to get a peaceful change of scenery.  They can go from a patient’s room to a restful garden.  We sometime even roll out a patient to enjoy the outside scenery.  We only do that if medically we can do so.  They absolutely love it!

            Our garden reminds me of the song, “A walk in the garden with Jesus.”  I am a firm believer that every hospice or hospital should have a garden next to it.  Around our spacious garden there are many benches, trees, bushes, flower beds, and stones.  All of them have been donated by family members who have had a loved one here.  Our hospice is a non-profit and this is one of the ways in which things are built, like gardens.

            The garden is the perfect place to take a mental or an emotional break from what is happening inside.  You can walk around, or just sit on the bench and watch the fountain, or the squirrels play in the tree branches.

            Whenever I need a break from things, I know that I can just walk out the back door and take a walk around the garden.  It’s especially important for our family members, especially if they have been our guest for many days.  Whenever I think about heaven, I always think that it would be like a morning walk in the garden.

Do you have a garden to go to quietly meditate?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

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Brother Roop

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