Monday Baby Time

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

 I came in to our hospice and a beautiful Monday morning.  My usual day is Saturday, but I had to work last Saturday and I could not come in.  So, Monday is my day for this week. I especially wanted to come in today because we had a baby in our hospice.  In order to give this baby lots of love and attention, we, the hospice volunteers made a schedule to rock her!  I just cannot think of a better way to spend a Monday!

When I arrived and retrieved my badge, I walked over to the nurse’s station to find out the current situation.  The nurse on-duty there told me which room to go.  I walked down the hall and into the room.

Another nurse was rocking the baby and finishing up the morning feeding.  She was happy to see me arrive, because she had her other patients to attend.  She was enjoying her time with the baby, all of our nurse’s love holding the babies that come here.

The nurse gently gave me the baby.  A beautiful Asian-American baby girl!  Unfortunately, she was born with so very serous health problems that is cutting her beautiful life short.

I sat down with her in the rocking chair and made sure that the next two hours was filled with love and attention.  She had a full belly and peacefully slept in my arms.  I cannot think of a better way to spend two hours!

I rocked her while she slept until another volunteer arrived for her scheduled time with the baby.  It was a volunteer that I seldom see, so I visited with her for awhile while she settled in with the baby.

It was a blessed two hour for me and hopefully I had given the baby a peaceful few hours.  Jesus has told us that if we want to serve Him, then we need to serve the least of this world.  I hope that today I did that a little bit!

Have you rocked a baby lately?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

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Brother Roop

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Apostolic Theological Seminary


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