
Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I came in on a Saturday afternoon and visited with another volunteer, then I sat with an elderly gentleman for about an hour.  But a storm was coming and I left early to try to beat it.

 As I was leaving a huge thunderstorm hit are area and it thunder and lighting and a huge amount of rain fell all at once! It continued raining and the wind was blowing the rain sideways!  I waited a little while for it to calm down before running out of the hospice doors!

 So, I made a run for my pickup and got soaked! That area of town floods despite the deep bayou there. I could not get to the highway due to high water so I crossed over and went through a bad part of town.

The water was still high but after waiting on traffic  I sloughed through the deep water no one else would go through and got on the highway!  It might have been a bad idea.  If my wife was with me I certainly would not have done it!

Have you ever been in a flood?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

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Brother Roop

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