The Lord's Work must go on!

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I had to work a twelve hour work day today, so I had to go in a few hours later then normal. Knees hurting today, but the Lords work must go on!

The first thing I noticed when I walked in was the iced tea dispenser. Something new for our wonderful patients and family members. Always trying to make things as comfortable as possible. As I was making coffee I visited with a family member in the break room.

One of the social workers I admire and haven't seen in a while was still there so I gave her a hug and chatted with her awhile. It's good to keep up on the news.

I then noticed a patient asleep and alone so I walked in and sat with him for about an hour. He had evidence in the room that he had visitors earlier, but were gone now so I did what I could to give him some comfort.  Even though a patient may be asleep, they know when someone else is present.

As I was leaving for the evening a Catholic priest came in so I guided him to the room he needed to be in.  A good way to end the evening volunteering.

Do you do something after work?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

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Brother Roop
Dec 3, 2011

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Apostolic Theological Seminary


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