James, The Attack Guard!

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

It was my first day back volunteering at the hospice, after a twoyear Coved-19 suspension of all volunteers. I was glad to be back, and happy to spread God's love again to the patience. 

As soon as I walked in, I was accosted by the new security guard, James. He said his name was James but I couldn't really tell if it was a man or a woman! That is becoming more common these days! But I was leaning towards a man.

He has a little bit of a accent like he was from the Caribbean area. And he was very short! But he started barking orders at me as soon as I walked in the door. James takes his job seriously!

He told me to go ahead and have my temperature read by the stand-up machine. I was going to fill out a visitors form, but he barked that no volunteers don't needed to fill out those forms. I said, "okay that's fine, you're the boss, some people want me to fill the form out some said no."

He seen my badge right away that I was a volunteer. I was now very happy I wore the badge walking in the hospice. So after a short sharp conversation, I went to the volunteer office.

The volunteer work room has changed a bit. The big desk was replaced by a small desk, and a very large patient censes board covered a wall.  I thought was a very good change.

After visiting a couple patients, I was sitting on a bench in the back garden.  Then James walks in with another man doing a tour. So I told James that I can volunteer to do the tour. Which I did, and after the tour, I started doing my paperwork.

I filled out the paperwork except for the MR number. I'm not too sure what an MR number is, but it needs to be on every form. We didn't have a patient censes in the volunteer room, so I went to the front desk to look up the MR number on their censes form. That's when James ran out of his office and started barking at me!

James said nobody's allowed to sit at that desk except for security.  He also said volunteers are not allowed access to the patient's census. I very politely, but firmly informed him that volunteers can sit anywhere they want, and we are most certainly allowed access to the patient census.

I even showed James our volunteer form, and showed him that the MR number is required on the form. So he gave in and allowed me to write down the MR number from the patient census.

Well, James seemed like a nice guy, but he is certainly ready to do his job at a moment's notice. The problem is he's doing his job too well!  As a trained volunteer at our  hospice for the last twelve years, I'm allowed to sit anywhere I want! I can even go sit in his chair if I want to!

But I'm sure in the coming times we will get to know each other much better, and all this will be smooth out. Have you ever encountered a security guard that was very eager to do his job? Can you tell me about it in the comments section? You enjoyed this story and wish to catch all future stories you can click on the "follow" button the top of the blog.

William James Roop

 Roop-Crappell Ministries 

 The Bible and Life 

 The Trucking Tango 

 Apostolic Theological Seminary 


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