Maybe Next Year!

 Hello everyone, Praise the Lord!

Because of the Covid-19 virus affecting the whole world, all volunteers have been suspended until the virus is over.  It has been ten-months since I have had the wonderful blessing to volunteer at our hospice.  It seems a lot longer, but a visit to our volunteer office helps!

I decided to drop in for a visit to talk to our volunteer director and her assistant.  They were overjoyed to see me, but quickly put their masks over their faces!  Definitely a sign of the times! We talked about how the virus had affected things around the hospice.

The security guard is now in the hallway by the front door.  There are all kinds of restrictions with the patients.  Only two visitors are allowed in the patients rooms.  The break rooms are now closed off so that people cannot congregate in one area.

Our director also said that the volunteers will not be let back until next year, and that's only if the virus has been eliminated.  So, she looked at me in a sad way and said, maybe next year!  That seemed like a long time when she said it, but she might have meant, maybe never!

I have been a hospice volunteer for eleven years and loved every minute of it.  If I do not ever return, I will have to accept it and move on to another ministry.  I am teaching part time at a Bible college, Apostolic Theological Seminary, I may continue to do that until the Lord directs me elsewhere.

William J. Roop

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Apostolic Theological Seminary


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