Lesson Learned

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

Well, it was a beautiful spring Saturday. There was not very many patients in the hospice today.  It's a big difference then the last few months!  It's been real business here lately!  Good or bad depending on how you look at it.

 The back garden is blooming all over! The bushes are blooming and the tree's are well budded out and all are looking good.  I did notice that the gutters  are full of brown leaves left over from the autumn.

A on again off again volunteer came in before I did and did most of the little jobs that I usually do.  She was even passing out mints.  She re-taught me a valuable lesson today.  I have been taking it for granted that the nurses would just tell me if there is a patient that needs company. I was wrong!  The other volunteer came over to the nurses station and asked the nurse if there was a patient that she could sit with.  She replied to her that there sure was and told her what room to go to.  I just stood in disbelief!  I had stopped asking that question.  I'm going to start again!

But there is no wasted time if you are there to help people.  The other volunteer sat with the alert and talking patient and I sat with a sleeping one.  But the sleeping patient had no family and needed a presence.  I sat with the resting patient until the nurses came to turn her over.  I quietly left.  A good day in the Lord.

Has anyone else learned a lesson?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

Brother Roop


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