The Gentile Lady From The Sea.

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I spoke with a nice lady who was from Corpus Christi. When I told her that she was no longer there, she was very surprised!  She had thought she was still in her city by the sea!  She was now at the hospice two-hundred miles away!  When you get moved around in windowless buildings, that can happen to you!

She told me about her days of walking along the beach and watching the sea on her porch.  Her husband was a cook at a local restraint, and she was a housewife. They lived in a small house by the sea and were very happy together. She was in the hospice with her days limited, but she was very content.  I admired her calm spirit!  When you are one with God's Spirit, all worry leaves you!

Do you love the sea?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

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Brother Roop


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