A Doctorate Bonding

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

That morning I was to have two people shadow me. A man and a woman, both with doctorate degrees! The lady showed up but the gentleman did not arrive.  So, to stall a bit for him to show up, I chatted with my lady shadow. She was of Indian origin. I asked her if she was still in school, which made her laugh. She said she was in her forty's and a college professor at the university of Houston, and online at the University of North Carolina. On the verge of flirtation, I told her that if my college professors were that pretty I would have stayed in school! She enjoyed that comment immensely!

  We talked about her education in Buddhism and Hinduism and her general life. She was a very nice person. As we reviewed the patient chart, she mentioned that she had visited one of the patients already and had a relationship with her. This patient was a cancer scientist with a doctorate degree from California.  So, the gentleman didn't arrive after all this time, so we went to the break room, I quickly showed her things to do there then went to the first patient room.

 The first patient we visited with was asleep but her daughter was alone and turned out to be very talkative. We were not in there very long when my gentleman shadow arrived in the room, a very nice guy, of Iranian and Pakistani origin..  We were there about a hour when my lady shadow asked to visit her special patient, I of course approved. Its always nice to see some passion in people, especially when they have made a special bonding.  She soon came back saying that her patient was asleep.  After additional time with the three of us, the sleeping patient and her daughter, the nurses came in to treat the patient, so we left the room.

 After seeing more people, my lady shadow asked to revisit her special patient, so the three of us went there and now she was awake!  We were there for about an hour and another volunteer with her daughter also came in to visit. We all had a very good time together. The patient was talkative but clearly was not remembering much and was getting much worse. We had a great time and I was blessed to be in the room with three persons with doctorate degrees! After our time together my lady shadow told me that I had a beautiful spirit and she hugged me twice. That was a nice thing to say and I was very surprised!

Do you know someone who has a PhD?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

Brother Roop


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