The Angel With A Guitar

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

It was a beautiful Saturday morning at our hospice.  I came in and made coffee and muffins for our guests.  Afterwards, I walked to the nurse’s station to see if I could visit with someone.  They were overjoyed to see me!  They did indeed have someone for me to sit with.  A baby!

            We had a pre-mature baby in our care.  The baby was born with a tiny brain!  Among the many medical problems this poor little baby was suffering, was its inability to suck!  That means the she could not feed herself from a bottle.  That means that we had a feeding machine, with a tube going to the baby’s stomach. 

            All of the nurses love the babies that come into our care.  That was certainly testified by all of the new baby clothes bought by the nurses and laid out on the bed.  The issue the nurses have with the babies is that they need constant watching and attention.  That would be no problem if that was all they had to do.  But the nurses have a whole floor of patients and family members that also need their attention.  That’s where the hospice volunteers’ step in to fill that need!

            One of the favorite things that I love to do is rock the babies that are here.  If there is any one that is need of loving attention, it is the babies!  That was my job to do for the nurses this morning.  I was to rock the baby to free up the nurses, so they could care for the other patients. 

            I sat down in the rocking chair, put a pillow under my arm, and the nurse gently put the babe in my arm.  When the baby was settled in, the nurse started the feeding pump.  The feeding machine for babies, is a small machine on wheels, and they can put a feeding bag in it.  Then it is slowly pumped into the baby’s stomach. 

            While the baby was half done feeding, a beautiful middle-aged lady with long auburn hair came walking in the room.  I had seen her before, but didn’t quite remember.  She didn’t come empty handed; she had a guitar in her hands.  She was one of our volunteers who visited folks here and sang children’s songs. 

 She was an amazingly friendly lady and a joy to be with.  She sat down next to the baby and I.  She put her guitar on her lap and started to play a song.  Her playing was nice and she had an angelic voice.  It was very obvious that she loved what she was doing and understood the blessing she was sharing with us.

While she was playing and singing to the baby, she had a beautiful smile on her face and a soft glow about her!  For a few minutes I thought that she was an angel with a guitar!  She asked me if I had any requests, but I just told her to just keep doing what you are doing.  She was certainly an angel with a guitar for this wonderful baby!

            The feeding took about a few hours, but I rocked her for four hours!  I called the nurse when the bag was empty, she came immediately and disconnected it.  About every thirty minutes I would change arms.  The pillow under the arm is a lifesaver!  There is nothing better than a quiet room and a baby to rock!  For whatever reason that I don’t know, in those moments I feel close to God.  I certainly felt close to God on that day!

Do you play an instrument?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

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