Some Bible Reading

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

It was a nice quiet evening at the hospice.  I went to the break room, made some coffee and put out some cookies out on a plate.  Just because everybody needs a snack sometimes. 

After that I make my way down the hallway.  We had a lot of family members visiting here this evening.  That is always a good thing to see.  I am here to visit folks, but everyone would rather have their family around, instead of me!

One of the nurses told me of a man in one of the rooms that I could sit with.  As I walked into the room, I view the scene.  An elderly African-American man was laying unconscious in bed.  A small table was next to him with a Bible on it.  Otherwise, the room was bare.

I quietly walk around the bed.  I softly introduce myself to the gentleman.  Even though he is unconscious, he probably could hear me.  The sense of hearing is the last of the senses to go.  The respectful thing to do is to announce my presence and why I am there. 

I gently pick up the Bible laying on the table.  It has his name on it, and handwritten notes in it.  It is obviously his personnel Bible!  I decide that instead of quietly sitting with him, I would read his Bible to him!

I start reading about the birth of Jesus Christ.  He is the Prince of Peace; we all need a bit of peace in our lives.  I sit with this man and read for about two hours.  There is something about reading the Bible on a quiet evening that just seems calming.

Just then he has family walk in the room.  Two sisters came in with a few bags.  When they see me sitting there reading the bible to their brother, they are overcome with joy!  For about fifteen minutes they thank me for doing so.  We stand there and have a nice conversation, then I quietly leave the room. 
As I slowly walk down the hallway, I just think to myself that that was the best two hours of time investment that I had made in a long time!  As I drive back home, I have the feeling that I will see this man again, in heaven!

Have you ever read the Bible to someone else?  Can you tell me about it in the comments section?

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Brother Roop

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Apostolic Theological Seminary


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